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1:420000 (10 verst maps)
Index sheet of Special map of European Russia (Специальная карта Европейской России) in scale 10 verst per inch (1:420000), link
In 1821, Lieutenant-General F.F. Schubert (Фёдор Фёдорович Шуберт) begun a Special map of West Russia in scale 10 verst per inch (1:420000) (original name of set Специальная карта западной части России в масштабе 10 верст в дюйме), but work in 1824 was suspended. In 1826 again started for the continuation of the engraving and publishing it, but in 1839, when the maps has not yet been brought to the end, had a second to stop the work. Maps from set Special map of West Russia in scale 10 verst per inch were constructed in projection of Bonn, longitude was calculated from Ferro.
Start the compilation and publication of new special 10 verst map named Special map of European Russia (in orig. Специальная карта Европейской России) was in 1863 when the former general-quartermaster, Lieutenant-General Verigin initiated question and indicated in a meeting of the Advisory Committee on outdated and inaccurate maps from set Special map of West Russia in scale 10 verst per inch (1:420000) (original name of set Специальная карта западной части России в масштабе 10 верст в дюйме) and the need for a more detailed and up-to-date map European Russia, which can serve for the general considerations. After a series of meetings and attempts, finally stopped on the map 10 verst scale and have been developed, and the 29 th September 1865 and approved by the Military Ministry of projection, conventional signs and instructions for its compilation. In November the same year was begin to make, and engraving on copper new Special maps of European Russia (Специальная карта Европейской России) by Captain General Staff Strelbitskij (Стрельбицкий Иван Афанасьевич 1828-1900, in 1899 he was promoted to generals), which was the nearest officer of military topography Mutnikov. Maps were built on a conical projection of the Gauss, maps show all the settlements from cities to villages in the 3-5 yards, Manor, Farm yard, the church built, factories and so forth. Among the other symbols are sand, marshes, swamps, wells, with the roads in the provinces, streams, rivers, lakes and more. As well as state, provincial and county boundaries. The relief expressed strokes indicating the individual hollow, valleys, hills and ridges. Map published in 4 colors: black shows all the contours, settlements, roads, and signature; brown - relief, blue - water, green - forests. The materials for the preparation of topographic maps have been shooting Corps military topography, and other departments as well as maps that are in the Ministries. With regard to a border strip of neighboring states, the materials have the latest maps of foreign publications. The map compilation started in November 1865. All corrections and additions in future editions should be made for larger scale maps. Railways and highways corrected for reconnaissance, which annually seconded military topography. By the way, topographers of Red army (RKKA - Рабоче-Крестьянская Красная Армия - Workers' and Peasants' Red Army) till WWII use 10-verst (1:420000) map, set had name Специальная карта Европейской части СССР с прилегающими государствами (Special map of the European part of the USSR with surrounding states).

Special map of European Russia
Fragment of 31 map from set Special map of European Russia (in orig. Специальная карта Европейской России), first edition 1:420000, 1865
Fragment of 31 map from set Special map of European Russia (in orig. Специальная карта Европейской России), 1:420000, 1915
Special map of European Russia (in orig. Специальная карта Европейской России)
Fragment of 31 map from set Специальная карта Европейской части СССР с прилегающими государствами (Special map of the European part of the USSR with surrounding states), 1:420000, 1931

On maps from first edition territories near border of Russian empire, neighbor counties were partially incomplete - part maps have white areas.

List (explanation) of digitalized maps from sets Special maps of European Russia (Специальная карта Европейской России) and Special map of the European part of the USSR with surrounding states (Специальная карта Европейской части СССР с прилегающими государствами) (by explanation of publishing year and content) you can find THERE (link).
Map 14 from set Special map of European Russia (Специальная карта Европейской России)
Map 14 from set Special map of European Russia (in orig. Специальная карта Европейской России), scale 1:420000, published in 1865 (territories of Kaunas gubernia).
Map 15 from set Special map of European Russia (Специальная карта Европейской России)

Map 15 from set Special map of European Russia (in orig. Специальная карта Европейской России), scale 1:420000, published in 1869 (territories of Vilnius gubernia).

Index sheet of Special map of West Russia in scale 10 verst per inch (1:420000, original name Специальная карта западной части России в масштабе 10 верст в дюйме), link
In 1821, Lieutenant-General F.F. Schubert (Фёдор Фёдорович Шуберт) begun a Special map of West Russia in scale 10 verst per inch (1:420000) (original name of set Специальная карта западной части России в масштабе 10 верст в дюйме), but work in 1824 was suspended. In 1826 again started for the continuation of the engraving and publishing it, but in 1839, when the maps has not yet been brought to the end, had a second to stop the work. Maps from set Special map of West Russia in scale 10 verst per inch were constructed in projection of Bonn, longitude was calculated from Ferro.

Special map of West Russia in scale 10 verst per inch
Title and general view of V-th map from set  Special map of West Russia in scale 10 verst per inch (Специальная карта западной части России в масштабе 10 верст в дюйме)
Special map of West Russia in scale 10 miles per inch
Fragment of XXVII map from set Special map of West Russia in scale 10 verst per inch, 1:420000, 1840, Kalvarija (Lithuania) and surroundings

Present Lithuania was covered by XXI, XXII, XXVII, XXVIII maps from set  Special map of West Russia in scale 10 verst per inch (Специальная карта западной части России в масштабе 10 верст в дюйме).

Special map of West Russia in scale 10 verst per inch

General view of maps XXI, XXII, XXVII, XXVIII from set  Special map of West Russia in scale 10 verst per inch. To enlarge this map, push link.

Index sheet of Special map of West Russia in scale 10 verst per inch (1:420000) shows covering of maps from set, digitalized maps marked in color. Maps from set Special map of West Russia in scale 10 verst per inch cower west part of Russian Empire and was as basis of Chrzanowsky's maps collection (1859, 1:300000), Special map of European Russia (in orig. Специальная карта Европейской России, 1860-80*, 1:420000)...

More about F.F.Schubert (in RU language) you can read THERE.
Languages, Kalbos, Языки
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