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1:126000 (3 verst maps)
Map XII-2 in scale 1:126000 from catalog "Военно-топографическая карта Европейской России". Fragments from various years.
Military topographical map of European Russia - Военно-топографическая карта Европейской России - in scale 1:126000 (in inches three verst) started producing in 1845. The projection of maps is conic Bonn. Longitude considered from Pulkovo. 1:126000 scale map printed on sheets with a rectangular frame, size 58,5 x40, 8 cm. Till 1863 were issued 435 pieces of the map in scale 1:126000 on the territory of European Russia including the current territory of Lithuania (Vilnius, later - Vilnius and Kaunas province). On the territory of Lithuania, belonging to Kingdom of Poland (Augustavas, later Suwałki Province), were three-verst maps of Kingdom of Poland. This map was published in 1839-50. Maps of European Russia in scale 1:126000 were numbered. Numeration indicates the number of row and position of map in a row (Row xx Sheet yy). Every 20 minutes on the maps are printed grid lines. Map printed monochrome (one color), terrain marked by hatching in Lehmann’s scale. Map of the first edition were recognized in 1864-1877 - marked the railways, fixed administrative boundaries. Populated places on maps in scale 1:126000 were marked by topographical symbols. Under the names of populated places indicated number of yards. On maps in scale 1:126000 are marked railways, highways, roads and bridges. Areas of lakes and rivers are lined. Forests marked by circles of different sizes. Non scale topographical symbols were used for marking cemeteries, churches. Of the many items on the maps in scale 1:126000 these maps are difficult to read.

3-verst maps
Example (General view) of 3-verst (1:126000) map X-1. On map shown only territories of Russia Empire, territories of other countries - white areas.
3-verst maps
Example (General view) of 3-verst (1:126000) map XII-3. On map shown only territories of one of districts (gubernia) - Vilnius district. Territories of other administrative units - white areas.
Example (General view) of 3-verst (1:126000) map XII-3. On map shown territories of all districts (gubernia).

Red army (RKKA) republished 3-verst (1:126000) maps till WWII. Some updates were in content: on some territories new survey was done, new cartograpic material for updates was used.

3-verst maps
Example (General view) of 3-verst (1:126000) map XIII-9 done by RKKA. Map published in 3 colors: content in black, water in blue, relief in brown.
Index sheet of maps in scale 1:126000 (tree-verst maps)

Maps in blue are available. These maps are published in years 1845-1919. About maps in scale 1:126000 from katalog Topographical maps Kingdom of Poland (scale too 3 verst per inch) read in next chapter.

Full list of available digitalized maps from set Military topographical map of European Russia (1:126000 or 3 verst per inch) you can find THERE (some characteristics are given).

Comparison of verst scale maps of Russian empire (the same territory, maps and survey from period 1880-1917) you can finf THERE.

3-verst maps of Russian empire (period 1843-1917). Maps covering territory of Lithuania

All maps are in Zoomify format.

3 versta

Index sheet of 3-verst maps from collection 3-verst maps of Russian Empire on territory of Lithuania

IX-1 IX-2 IX-3 IX-4 IX-5
X-1 X-2 X-3 X-4 X-5
XI-1 XI-2 XI-3 XI-4 XI-5
3-verst maps on territory of Lithuania (clicable links)

Languages, Kalbos, Языки
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