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Index sheet of maps (schemes) of boundary between Russian Empire and Kingdom of Prussia (maps are based on mapping from years 1891-93, 1906-07), link to index
Maps (Schemes) of boundary between Russian Empire and Kingdom of Prussia from Baltic Sea till river Nemunas in scale 1:5000.
Maps are made using material of mapping from years 1891-93, 1906-07.
Index sheet is in scale 1:100000.
Collection consists of 91 maps (schemes) of boundary between Russian Empire and Kingdom of Prussia from Baltic Sea till river Nemunas.

More about this mapping, these maps (schemes) in Russian language (original record from index sheet).

boundary between Russian Empire and Kingdom of Prussia from Baltic Sea till river Nemunas

Fragment of map of boundary between Russian Empire and Kingdom of Prussia from Baltic Sea till river Nemunas, 1906-1907, 1:5000, fragment of map Nr. 40 (see index)

Map of district Kaunas 1837-1838, 1:16800.

In 1837-1838 was published Topographical map of Kaunas district (original name: "Топографическая карта окрестности города Ковно по обоим берегам р. Немана"). This maps collection consists of 8 maps in scale 1:16800 and covers territory about 17 kmx27 km. Size of maps - 50x40 cm. Maps were published in one color. Relief was shown by stroking.

Fragment of this maps collection showing city Kaunas.

Collection of six Maps of Livonia, 1839 y.

Six maps of Livonia (present parts of Latvia and Estonia) summarized to set "Specialcharte von Livland in 6 Blattern: Bearbeitet und herausgegeben auf Veranstaltung der Livlandischen Gemeinnutzigen und Okonomischen Societat nach Struves astronomisch-trigonometrischen Vermessung und den vollstandingen Specialmessungen gezeichnet von C. G. Rucker; gestochen im Topographischen Depot des Kaiserlichen Generalstabes" were prepared and published in 1839 by Rucker Carl Gottlieb. Maps were prepared using astronomical and topographical mensurations of Struve. Scale of maps - 1:189000 (4,5 verst per inch). Size of map 2 degr. of longitude x 50 min. of latitude. Longitude was considered from Ferro. Maps were printed in one color.

Livonia 1839

Topographical maps of river Nemunas published in 1895-1897

Topographical maps of river Nemunas published in 1895-1897 by topographers of Russian empire are showing riverbed of Nemunas (biggest river of Lithuania) from Stolbcy till Smalininkai (Russia-Prussia border), situation of onshore. Set of topographical maps of river Nemunas consists of number (255) maps, where with precision were shown all elements of river (depth, pass, bars, level, riversides...). Maps were printed in color. Scale of original topographical picture 1:5000, maps were constructed by photographing and published in scale 1:126000.

Topographical maps of river Nemunas

Example of map No. 179 of set of topographical maps of river Nemunas (1895-1897), b.w.

We have digitalized only several maps of this set. Index you can find THERE.

Topographical signs of these maps are THERE.

Detailed military map along Russian-Prussian border, 1799

In 1799, when emperor of Russia was Pavel I-st, it was established suite of Quartrmeisters. This suite had drafting room, which in 1797 was renamed to Depot of maps (Депо карт). Depot of maps had task to draw, edit and circulate maps of administrative units, cities, castles, fortress. One of the first map was set pf 14 maps on territories Curonia, part of Lithuania, Poland and Prussia was "Detailed military map along Russian-Prussian border" (originally "Подробная милитерная карта по границе России с Пруссиею"). All maps from this set have size 43x55 cm. and single frame. Leader of preparation and publishing of "Detailed military map along Russian-Prussian border" was K.I.Opperman. Scale of maps about 1:500000. On first maps from set was cartouche with name of set, on forth map - topographical symbols and scale.

opperman 1799
Full set of Detailed military map along Russian-Prussian border
1799 1:500000
Example (fragment) of Detailed military map along Russian-Prussian border

Special map of administrative units of Kurland (1866-1870), scale 1:50000

According survey (1860-1880) was made and published Special map of administrative units of Kurland (1866-1870) in scale 1:50000. Publisher was Statistical committee of Kurland, leader - Carl Moehring. Scale of maps from this set was approximately 1:50000 (5 verst per 4,04 inch). Maps in color were published in 1866-1870. All place-names were written in German, relief not shown.

Fragment of Special map of administrative units of Kurland

Maps of Warsaw and surroundings

After Napoleonic war during the period of Polish Kingdom (till 1831) in Poland operate two cartographic-topographic services: Army Corps of Engineers and the General Quartermaster of the Polish Army headed by Gen. Maurice Hauke. Topographical Bureau Quartermaster lead measurements and mapping of the country. The result of these works have become numerous topographical maps on which the Map od Kingdom of Poland (in scale 1:126000) was developed. In 1819 and 1820 have been prepared and issued by the Quartermaster General of Army two maps of the area of Warsaw in the scale of 1:21 000, the first in a four-sheet version, the second version of the 6-sheet-. These maps drawn up in the western orientation.

Warszawa 1819

Fragment of 6-sheets map of Warsaw and surroundings, 1820 scale 1:21000

In 1829 was published map in scale 1:4200 on 9 sheets as version maps, which described above, covering areas Warsaw and surroundings. The first time, the message mapping provide as accurate picture of the topographical section of Warsaw. In relation to the earlier communications, an important novelty was the upgraded highway Modliński. Earlier versions of maps from the years 1819 and 1820 contained a still marked by a dotted line, fragments used for the reconstruction of this important communication route. Original name of this map (in Polish) "Plan miasta stolecznego Warszawy z roskazu Jego Cesarzewiczowskiej Mosci Wielkiego Xieciz Konstantego...".

Warszawa plan w skali 1:4200 1829

Fragment of 9-sheets map of Warsaw and surroundings, 1829 scale 1:4200

Map of Warsaw and surroundings created using survey from y. 1836 (renewed in 1860) on 6 sheets in scale 1:16800. Each sheet have dimension 54x54 cm. and published in one color. Original name of this map (in Russian) Карта окрестностей Варшавы.

Warszawa 1836

Fragment of map of Warsaw and surroundings from 1836 y.

All maps described above are in digital version available in our collection.

Updated in 2010 07 29.

Plans of cities in Lithuania (period 1795-1915).

Plans of cities (and surrounds) in Lithuania (period 1795-1915). All maps are digitalized in 300-400 dpi resolution.


Thumb. of Plan Title Main data
kauno miesto planas 1774 Plan of city Kaunas, 1774, in Polish named "Plan miasta Kaun". Publisher H.D.Schultz. Scale 100 sazhens per inch (1:8400).
kauno miesto planas 1797 1797 Plan of city Kaunas. Scale 100 sazhens per inch (1:8400).
Kauno miesto planas 1797 1797 Plan of city Kaunas.
Kauno tvirtovės planas 1796 1796 Plan of fortress Kaunas. Publisher de Witte. In French language.
Kaunas 1800 Plan of city Kaunas end of XVIII c. In French language.
Kauno miesto planas 1798 1798 Plan of city Kaunas. Scale 100 sazhens per inch(1:8400)
Kauno miesto planas 1836 1836 Plan of city Kaunas. In Russian language, compiled according instrumental survey. Scale 200 sazhens per inch (1:16800).
Kauno miesto planas 1837 1837-1838 Plan of city Kaunas. On plan is bridge over river Nemunas shown. In French language. Scale 50 sazhens per inch (1:4200).
Kauno miesto planas 1838 1838 Plan of city Kaunas published in Warsawa (in original French language named Plan general del environa de Kowno). Scale 500 sazhens per inch. (1:42000)
Kauno apylinkės planas 1842 1842. Surroundings of city Kaunas. Scale 50 sazhens per inch�(1:4200)
Kaunas city plan 1847 1847. Plan of city Kaunas
Kauno miesto plėtros planas 1850. General plan of city Kaunas. Scale 50 sazhens per inch (1:4200)

1862. Plan of city Kaunas and surroundings.

33x36 cm

Kaunas Karo ligoninė Plan of part city Kaunas where was military hospital build. No data, Scale 25 sazhens per inch (1:2100).
Kaunas city 1870 1870. Plan of Kaunas' surroundings. Villages Panemune, Viciunai, Sanciai. Scale 1:20000
Kaunas plan 1870-1890 1870-1890. Plan of city Kaunas. In French language. Scale 1:8400
Здфт ща Лфгтфы 1875 Plan of city Kaunas (Kowno, Ковно). 1875 Scale 1:8400
Kauno tvirtovės planas 1887 Plan of Kaunas fortress 1887. Scale 125 sazhens per inch(1:10500).
Kauno tvirtovės planas 1887 Plan of Kaunas fortress 1887. Scale 200 sieksnių colyje (1:16800)
Kauno tvirtovės planas 1889 Plan of Kaunas fortress 1889. Scale 200 sazhens per inch (1:16800)
Kauno tvirtovės planas 1894 Plan of Kaunas fortress 1894. Scale 250 sazhens per inch (1:21000)
Kauno tvirtovės planas 1904 Plan of Kaunas fortress 1904. Scale 250 sazhens per inch� (1:21000)
Kaunas city Plan 1904 1904. Plan of city Kaunas Scale about 1:14000
Kaunas 1907

1907. Plan of part of Kaunas fortress.

41x51 cm


Kauno tvirtovės planas 1907 Plan of Kaunas fortress 1907. Scale 250 sazhens per inch (1:21000)
Kauno tvirtovės planas 1912 Plan of Kaunas fortress 1912. Scale 250�sazhens per inch (1:21000)
Kauno gele�inkelio stotis 1890

Plan of Kaunas railway station 1890.


Kaunas 1898

1898. Plan of part Kaunas (old city).

51x68 cm

Zarasai 1907

1907. Plan of city Zarasai.

34x44 cm

Panevė�ys 1878

1878. Plan of city Panevezys.

35x44 cm

Panevė�ys 1904

1904. Plan of city Panevezys.

43x63 cm

Raseiniai 1875

1875 Plan of city Raseiniai.

35x42 cm

�iauliai 1877

1877 Plan of city Siauliai.

35x45 cm

�iauliai 1903

1903 Plan of city Siauliai.

35x45 cm

Stakli�kės 1869

1869. Plan of city Stakliskes and surrounds.

60x95 cm,

Ukmerge 1880

1880. Plan of city Ukmerge.

35x44 cm

Plan city Vilnius (Wilno) 1840

Plan of city Vilnius (Wilno), 1840

(План города Вильна)

Vilnius, Wilno 1840 1840. Plan of city Vilnius.
Vilnius 1842

1842. Plan of city Vilnius.

Plan miasta Wilna po roku 1840.

51x63 cm
Plan Wilna 1856 Plan of city Vilnius (Plan miasta Wilna, 1856)
Vilnius 1859 1859. Plan of city Vilnius
Plan of city Vilnius 1862 Plan of city Vilnius (Plan miasta Wilna, 1862)
Plan miasta Wilno 1881 Plan of city Vilnius (Plan miasta Wilna), 1881
Vilnius 1890 1890. Plan of city Vilnius. Scale 180 sazhens per inch
Vilnius plan 1890 1890. Plan of city Vilnius. Scale 50 sazhens per inch.
Plan of city Vilnius 1898

Plan and guide of city Vilnius, 1898

(План путеводитель по городе Вильне).

Names of main buildings, churches, parks, streets are given.

Creators S.K.Jankovskij (С.К. Янковский), V.S. Gajevskij (В.С.Гаевский).

Vilnius 1904 1904. Plan of city Vilnius. Scale 100 sazhens per inch.
Plan miasta Wilna 1916 Plan of city Vilnius (Plan miasta Wilna), 1916
Updated 2012 03 09
"Semi-instrumental map showing abroad territories along west Russian border"

More about Semi-instrumental map showing abroad territories along west Russian border" (orig.named Семитопографическая Карта Иностранным Владениям по Западной границе Российской Империи), published in 1811-1820, scale 1:252000 at separate chapter (link).

More about Semi-instrumental map of Kingdom of Poland (original named Семитопографическая Карта царства Польского), 1820*, scale 1:252000 at separate chapter (link).

Maps of administrative units of Russian empire 1795-1840
Gardino apskrities emlapis 1797

Map of administrative unit (ujezd) of Grodno, original name Генеральная карта Гроденскаго уезда сочинена в 1797 г. (scale 4 verst per inch, 1:168000). Creator: обер-квартирмейстер Литовской дивизии майор Хоменчовски (?)

Pruan apskritis

Map of administrative unit (ujezd) of Pruzany, Lithuania-Grodno gubernia, original name Карта Литовско Гроденской губернии Пружанского уезда сочинена в 1809 июля 32 (!!!), scale 5 verst per inch (1:210000), created by land-surveyor of Pruzany ujezd Stanislav Resna (Станислав Решна).

Gardino gubernija 1807

Map of administrative unit (gubernija) of Grodno (1807-1812), scale 5 verst per inch (1:210000).

Карта Гроденской губернии (1807-1812), 5 верст в дюйме (1:210000)

Map of Lithuania and Podlachia (1793, 1:210000)
Map of Lithuania and Podlachia was prepared by General staff of army of Russian empire in 1793. Team of topographers in leadership of general-kvartirmeister (rank in General staff) I.I. German von Ferzen (Иван Иванович Герман фон Ферзен) in period 1-1,5 year prepared and published maps on territories Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Podlachia. We would like to remind that map was prepared in period between Second and Third partition of Poland and Grand Duchy of Lithuania (see link).
Hand-drawn maps from set Map of Lithuania and Podlachia were drawn in color, have different size, scale about 1:210000.

Карта части воеводства Брест-Литовскаго

(Map of part Voivodeship Lithuanian-Brest)

Lietuvos ir Palenkės �emėlapis

Карта части воеводства Брест-Литовскаго, Пинцкаго и Волынскаго

(Map of part Voivodeships Lithuanian-Brest, Pinsk and Wolyn)

Trakų vaivadijos �emėlapis

Карта части воеводства Троцкаго

(Map of part Voivodeship Trakai)

Volkovisko ir Gardino pavietai

Карта повета Волковискаго, части Гроденскаго

(Map of counties Volkovisk and Grodno)

map of provinces Brest-Litovsk, Troki

Карта части воеводств Брест-Литовского, Троцкого, Подляского и Новогрудского

Map of counties Brest-Litovsk, Trakai, Podlachia and Novogrudok)

Maps of border of Russian empire 1795-1799. Fragment of Map along the river Nemunas border between Russia and Prussia (link)

After III-rd partition of Poland and Great Duchy of Lithuania in 1795 territory on left bank of the river Nemunas (named Užnemunė) come to Prussia, biggest part of Great Duchy of Lithuania come to Russian empire. Topographers had task as soon as possible make accurate maps on strategic territories. In 1795-1797 border line between Russia and Prussia was topographed. As mentioned border line between Russia and Prussia pass along river Nemunas.

Map along the river Nemunas border between Russia and Prussia (orig. named  Карта пограничная империи Всероссийской с Прусскими владениями по реке Неману...) in 1797 was published. Map consists of several sheets "from xx border pile till yy border pile":

Map along the river Nemunas border between Russia and Prussia from 157 border pile till 168 border pile shows border from Grodno (now in Belarus) till Nemaunaitis (Lithuania).

Map along the river Nemunas border between Russia and Prussia from 168 border pile till 180 border pile shows border from Alytus till Kaunas (Lithuania).

Map along the river Nemunas border between Russia and Prussia from 181 border pile till 186 border pile shows border from Kaunas till Jurbarkas (Lithuania).

Map along the river Nemunas border between Russia and Prussia

General view of Map along the river Nemunas border between Russia and Prussia from 157 border pile till 168 border pile

Kaunas 1797

Fragment of Map along the river Nemunas border between Russia and Prussia from 168 border pile till 180 border pile, Kaunas and surroundings (full size of fragment, link)

Map along the river Nemunas border between Russia and Prussia 1797

Fragment of Map along the river Nemunas border between Russia and Prussia from 181 border pile till 186 border pile, city Jurbarkas

Creator of Map along the river Nemunas border between Russia and Prussia - topographer of General staff of Russian army Karl Liphart (Карл Липхарт). On map territories on both banks of river Nemunas shown.

Map of the river Vilia (Neris) from its sources to the first trading wharf (mapa rzeki Wilji od jej zrodla az do pierwszej prystani handlowej), 1857, 1:48000

Map of the river Vilija (Neris) from its sources to the first trading wharf (Mapa rzeki Wilji od jej zrodla az do pierwszej prystani handlowej) was compiled during the expedition K. Tiskevicius in 1857. Map shows the river Vilija (Neris) and its banks from its beginning till dam Vilejka (territories of Belarus). Map in scale 1:48000 (according to other sources 1:30000) consists of 7 sheets (biggest 69x109 cm). Map painted in one color. 

Index sheet (link).

Map of the river Neris

Fragment of map of the river Vilija (Neris), 1857, 1:48000

More information about the expedition in the publication Wilija i jej brzegi pod wzgledem hydrograficznym, historycznym, archeologicznym i etnograficznym (1871). Link (PDF, in Polish).

Plans and maps of the boundaries of administrative units (gubernia) of the Russian Empire (1806-1808)
In 1801, in order of Czar Alexander I, the Lithuanian province (gubernia) was divided into 2: Lithuanian-Vilna (Литовско-Виленская) and Lithuanian-Grodno (Литовско-Гроденская) provinces, the Belarussian Province was divided into 2: the Belarusian-Vitebsk (Белорусско-Витебская) and Belarussian-Mogilev (Белорусско-Могилевская) provinces. Maps and plans of border of Minsk, Lithuanian-Vilna (Литовско-Виленская) and Lithuanian-Grodno (Литовско-Гроденская),  Belarusian-Vitebsk (Белорусско-Витебская),  Belarussian-Mogilev  (Белорусско-Могилевская) (and others) provinces were prepared and published in 1804-1810. 

L: A.A.Gliožaitis Lietuvos administracinis suskirstymas žemėlapiuose nuo seniausiųjų laikų iki XXI a. pradžios. 

One of the map named План боку Гроденской губернии от Миской ограничённой (1808, Plan of side of province  Lithuanian-Grodno (Литовско-Гроденская) near Minsk province), shows details of the border between the provinces. Scale - 1:84000.

Plan of side of province  Lithuanian-Grodno (Литовско-Гроденская) near Minsk province
Fragment of plan of side of province Lithuanian-Grodno (Литовско-Гроденская) near Minsk province, city Nesviz, 1808, 1:84000

Another map shows the boundary between Vilna and Minsk provinces from Courland province till the district of Vilna [1808], scale  - 1:84000.
map shows the boundary between Vilna and Minsk provinces
Fragment of map showing the boundary between Vilna and Minsk provinces, 1806, 1:84000

The third map (one-sheet map) called (free translation) Geometric plan of border (demarcation line) on the river Naroch (Нарочь) provinces of Minsk and Lithuanian-Vilnius. Done in 16 August 1820 by order of the government of Lithuanian-Vilnius province...  Original name in old Russian Геометрический план обок границы означающей демаркационную линию по реке Нарочь между губерниями Минской и Литовско-Виленской. Учинен вымер 1820 года августа 16 дня по указу Литовско-Виленского Губернского правления и по определению учреждённой комиссии для открытия Демаркационной линии между упомянутыми губерниями. In addition a description of the border lands was given. The scale - 250 fathoms in the English inch (1:21000). Territories covering by Geometric plan of border (demarcation line) on the river Naroch (Нарочь) provinces of Minsk and Lithuanian-Vilnius on modern map S1:100000 N-35-42, N-35-54 (from the city  Izha  till the city Naroch).
Geometric plan of border (demarcation line) on the river Naroch (Нарочь) provinces of Minsk and Lithuanian-Vilnius.
Fragment of Geometric plan of border (demarcation line) on the river Naroch (Нарочь) provinces of Minsk and Lithuanian-Vilnius, 1820, 1:21000 (village Korolevcy (Королевцы), Belarus)
The general plan of the river Nemunas from the city of Kovno to the border of Prussia (1860-1880, 1:21000)
The general plan of the river Nemunas from the city of Kovno to the border of Prussia Atlas for navigation on the river Nemunas The general plan of the river Nemunas from the city of Kovno to the border of Prussia (in orig. Генеральный план реки Немана от г. Ковны до границы Пруссии), compiled and published in 1860-1880 (+ -) displays the river Nemunas from city Kaunas to the Prussian border (above Jurbarkas). Also together prepared and published Atlas for navigation on the river Nemunas (orig. Судоходный дорожник р. Немана от г. Ковна до Прусской границы). The plan consists of 20 leaves (maps) in scale 1:21000, atlas consists of - 70 pages with diagrams. Both printed in color.

The general plan of the river Nemunas from the city of Kovno to the border of Prussia

Fragment of The general plan of the river Nemunas from the city of Kovno to the border of Prussia, 1860-1880, 1:21000, villages Jiesia and Байбак (now parts of city Kaunas)

Archaeological map of Kaunas district, 1899 (link)
Archaeological map of Kaunas district prepared by F.Pokrovskij in 1899. Published in Vilnius. Link to full material (PDF in RU). Link to map.
Archaeological map of Vilnius district, 1893 (link)
Archaeological map of Vilnius district prepared by F.Pokrovskij in 1893. Published in Vilnius. Link to full material (PDF in RU), link to map.
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