Karte des westlichen Russlands |
Index sheet of maps Karte des westlichen Russlands
Maps from collection Karte des Westlichen Russlands in scale 1:100000 were started producing at the First World War beginning. These maps cover territory present Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, part of Belarus and Poland, a small part of Ukraine. For a basis of maps Karte des Westlichen Russlands were maps Karte Deutschen Reichs - for western frontier territories and maps in largest accessible scale (1:42000, 1:84000) for territories of Russian Empire. For territories, on which German cartographers had no large scale maps (1:42000, 1:84000), the material from Reymanns maps - Special Karte von Mittel Europa in scale 1:200000 - were used. Maps from collection Karte des Westlichen Russlands were issued till 1921. Last releases were updated. Nomenclature names of maps of collection Karte des Westlichen Russlands are made of the Latin letter (for columns lettering), number (for line numbering) and names of the largest settlement. Topographical symbols were used as at maps Karte Deutschen Reichs. The names of place-names were very often distorted and were written by the Polish letters, on a framework their pronunciation were described.
Aditional information on margins presented below.
Map T23 Isha (Iza) from set Karte des Westlichen Russlands, information presented on margins ( map can be enlarged)
1 |
Karte des Westlichen Russlands |
Map of west part of Russia |
Name of set |
2 |
Kriegsausgabe |
war time edition |
3 |
Nur für Dienstgebrauch |
Only for internal use |
4 |
T23 Isha (Iza) |
Name of sheet |
5 |
Name of adjacant sheets |
6 |
corners coordinates |
7 |
B.917. |
edited (september 1917) |
8 |
name of districts |
9 |
Herausgegeben von der Kartographische Abteilung der Königliches Preussischen Landesaufnahme 1917 |
Date and publisher |
10 |
scale |
11 |
Die stehenden ziffern bezeichnen die Zahl der Wohnhauser
Die liegenden ziffern bezeichnen die Hohen in Metern
Der Vertikalabstand der vollen schichtlinien betragt 4,26 Meter-2 Sachsen
Der Vertikalabstand der gerissenen schichtlinien betragt 2,12 Meter-1 Sachsen
Vertical numbers show number of living house
Recumbent numbers show hight (in meters)
Hight between solid contours - 4,26 m.
Hight between dotted contours - 2,13 m.
12 |
Verfielfältigungs - recht vorbehalten |
rights protected |
13 |
Signs and symbols of railways and roads. |
Size of maps form collection Karte des Westlichen Russlands in scale 1:100000 - 29,3 cm x 35,7 cm (30'x15'), projection - polyhedral with 3 deg. zones. The longitude is considered from Ferro. Horizontals are inscribed everyone 2 saschen (4,26m), heights are expressed in metres. On some territories were issued composite (based on 4, 6 or 9 sheets) sheets which were called Zusammendruck (with names of all integrated maps or name of main populated places), also part of composite (based on 4, 6 sheets) maps (these maps partially covering Germany) were caled Einheitsblatts (more see below).
Full list of maps from set Karte des Westlichen Russlands witch are in collection (with main characteristics) can be read THERE.
Types of maps from set Karte des Westlichen Russlands and comparison of maps from different publishing year, can be read THERE. Interestig: KdWR maps as paper for printing first Latvian post stamps (1918).
All signs and symbols of maps from set Karte des Westlichen Russlands can be read THERE.
General view map N24 Simno from set Karte des Westlichen Russlands (1:100000, 1915)
Fragment of map N24 Simno
Fragment of map N24 Simno (Karte des westlichen Russlands). Comparison of the maps in scale 1:42000 (one werst map of Russian Empire), 1:84000 (two werst map of Russian Empire), 1:50000 (Red Army) and 1:100000 (Karte des westlichen Russlands). Fragments resized.
Index sheet of combined maps "Karte des westlichen Russlands" (link)
Index sheet of combined maps "Karte des westlichen Russlands" (1911-1921) in scale 1:100000. Digitalized maps are marked by colors (link above).
On some territories were issued composite (based on 2, 4, 6 or 9 sheets) sheets. Moreover composite maps from set karte des westlichen Russlands were combined as from complete as from part separate maps (see above). Interesting that longitude on some east combined maps was considered from Pulkowo.
On margins of composite maps was information which maps compose combined map (this meets only on maps which are combined from complete sheets), also name of combined maps mostly consists from names of bigest population places on each composing map (or 2 names of bigest population places- first of map from left upper map, second right lower map). Maps which were combined from part separate maps called Zusammendruck. These maps have were named by name of one biggest population place on combined map (egz. Zusammendruck Lennewaden).
Part of composite (based on 4, 6 sheets) maps (these maps partially covering Germany) were caled Einheitsblatts. These maps were compiled from maps from sets Karte des westlichen Russlands and Karte des Deutschen Reiches (Maps of Germany), both in scale 1:100000. Name of these maps was made-up from numbers. Example of name of map cowering Klaipėda (Memel) - Einheitsblatt 200 D.
General view of Einheitsblatt 200D, 1:100000, 1919. |
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