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WIG (1919-1949)
Comparison of fragments of maps WIG in scale 1:25000 Rejon Wilno (ark.1 XII-18-H), P29-S40-H (various years of publication) and one werst map (1:42000) LXVIII-5.
Wojskowy Instytut Geograficzny (WIG) - Military Geographical Institute, military institution in Poland in 1919-1949 which organized creating and publishing maps (in wide sense). More details about WIG in book Bogusław Krassowski "Polska kartografia wojskowa w latach 1918-1945" (Polish lang.).
WIG mainly produced the following types of maps: 1:25000 (Mapa szczegołowa - a detailed map), 1:100000 (Mapa taktyczna - tactical map), 1:300000 (Mapa operacyjna-operational map).
Since 1923 till 1928, when were a unify new topographical signs in Polish maps introduced, were produced color maps in scale 1:25000 on following areas: Near-shore zone (33), Wisła (7), Grudziądz (9), Bydgoszcz (14) , Toruń (4), Zagłębie Polskie (21), Wilno (9), Osowieć (9), Oboz Leśna (4), Modlin (3), Brest (12), Dęblin (4), Łuck (11), Dubno - Krzemieniec (15), Pohulanka (1).
On territories of present Lithuania 2 sets were published: rejon Wilno (9 maps), rejon Pohulanka (1 map).
Rejon Pohulanka
Index sheet of early WIG 1:25000 maps on present Lithuania (rejon Wilno, Pohulanka)

Pohulanka - place for exercises of Polish army (+- range) near Pabradė. Now Phulanka name non-exist, Pažeimenė village there. Original in Polish name of place of exercises was OC Pohulanka, about in 1936 renamed to Zułowski OC im. Marszałka Józefa Piłsudskiego. In 1923-1926 at Pohulanka place for exercises precise triangulation was made. It is possible that triangulation towers (mostly wooden) were used, it is interesting that narrow railway from station Pohulanka to triangulation point is on the map P28 S42 shown.
Depending on what maps have been the basis WIG 1:25000, frame WIG 1:25000 maps was 6' latitude and 10' longitude considered from Ferro (maps based on German maps), or 5' of latitude and 9' longitude considered from Pulkovo (maps based on maps of Russian Empire).
Maps WIG 1:250000 published since 1928 mostly had frame size 5' latitude and 10' longitude considered from Greenwich.
One sheet WIG 1:100000 map stows 9 maps WIG 1:25000. Hence, the names of the maps WIG 1:25000 were composed from name of WIG 1:100000 maps by adding Latin letter (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I), indicating the position of the WIG 1:100000 leaf, as well as the name of the largest item on the place-name. Maps were issued one-, two-or four colors.
Maps WIG 1:25000 during World War II were used by German army, producing maps of scale 1:25000 on territory of Poland, Lithuania and Belarus.
According literature (see below) WIG prepared and published over 1700 maps in scale 1:25000. About 150-165 maps at this scale cover territories of present Lithuania - mostly around Vilnius. About 70 WIG 1:25000 maps on territories of present Lithuania were prepared and published using original (WIG) survey from 193* or revised old maps (mostly survey from 1880-1890 of Russian empire), about 90+ WIG 1:25000 maps were prepared and published using survey from 1880-1890 (survey of Russian empire) - mostly no changes can be observed on these maps. Index sheet of WIG 1:25000 maps on territories of Lithuania shows, that WIG 1:25000 maps were prepared and published on territories around Vilnius (one and two color WIG 1:25000 maps) and on territories of south and north of Lithuania (WIG 1:25000 maps based on old/Russian survey). On territories of present Lithuania WIG survey covered only area near Vilnius and present Lithuania-Belarus border. If WIG 1:25000 map covered territories of independent Lithuania, content to WIG 1:25000 maps was taken from old Russian survey (on territories of independent Lithuania).
We have to remind that Vilnius area in 1919-1939 was under Poland authority.

WIG 1:25000 maps, index sheet over Lithuania

Index sheet of WIG 1:25000 maps on territories of present Lithuania
On index sheet aren't 9 WIG 1:25000 maps on Vilnius and surroundings. These maps were based on Russian survey, had name like Russian half-verst maps.

On index sheet (see abowe) in green colour marked WIG 1:25000 maps prepared as copies of re-scaled Russian (1:42000, 1:21000) maps. Probably German maps in scale 1:25000 "Russischen karte des Westlichen Grenzgebiets" were used.
In grey colour marked WIG 1:25000 maps were prepared using revised old survey or original WIG survey.
Full list of WIG 1:25000 maps on present territory of Lithuania you can find THERE (link, PDF). List was prepared analysing registers of libraries, archives (specially thanks M.Z. mapywig.org). Believable list expands.

We sugest to analize maps from the same territory and period (1917-1937) bud different publishers. It is interesting how picture territories from "another" border...

Map 504 Kernavė (1:25000 Lithuania army, 1936), fragment.
Map P29-S40-G (1:25000, WIG, 1935) fragment.
German Maps XII-17-J, XII-18-G (1:25000, 1917) fragment.

In collection we collected WIG 1:25000 maps:

Rejon Wilno:
XII-18-H Suderwa (Ark. 1 rej. Wilno)
XIII-18-B Wierszuliszki (Ark. 4 rej. Wilno)
XIII-18-C Wilno (Ark. 5 rej. Wilno)
XIII-18-E Ludwinowo (Ark. 7 rej. Wilno)
XIII-18-F Rudomino (Ark. 8 rej. Wilno)
XIII-19-G Rukojnie (Ark. 9 rej. Wilno)
XXII-18-I Rzesza (Ark. 2 rej. Wilno)
XXII-19-Z Bezdany (Ark. 3 rej. Wilno)
XIII-19-A Nowa Wilejka (Ark. 6 rej. Wilno)

Rejon-Grodno-Wschod (P34-S38-A-B-D-E), 1934.

WIG 1:25000 maps covering east part of Lithuania and neighbor territories according index (below), available maps marked in blue.

Polish WIG maps, 1:25000

Index showing digitalized (available) WIG 1:25000 maps on territories of Lithuania and neighbour States (full list possible maps you can see THERE)

As was mentioned WIG 1:25000 maps were used preparing as RKKA (soviet red army) maps in scale 1:25000 as German 1:25000 (Lithuania territory was covered by set UdSSR 1:25000).
Also you can see German II WW maps UdSSR 1:25000 (4 cm Karte) which were based mostly on WIG 1:25000 (and 1:100000) maps.


Fragment of Polish WIG 1:25000 map P29-S41-H Bezdany (1932, 1:25000)


Fragment of RKKA 1:25000 map N-35-40-V-a (1943, 1:25000), map was prepared using WIG 1:25000 map P29-S41-H Bezdany

UdSSR 1:25000

Fragment of German map from set UdSSR 1:25000 2941-3 (1941, 1:25000)

1. B. Krassowski, M. Tomaszewska, "MAPY TOPOGRAFICZNE ZIEM POLSKICH 1871 - 1945. tom I" Warszawa 1979.
2. B. Krassowski, "MAPY TOPOGRAFICZNE ZIEM POLSKICH 1871 - 1945 manuscript.
3. Planheft OSTEUROPA ehemals Polnischer Raum. 1944
4. Planheft Übersicht Ost. 1941.
5. Vademecum Ost. 1940

6. mapywig.org

Last update 2012 07 08
Example of Polish WIG maps in scale 1:100000- sheet A30 B40 Wilno (1933).
Until 1922-23 WIG mainly reproduced maps of other countries, mostly transforming them into the maps in scale 1:100000. WIG used the Austro-Hungarian maps in scale 1:75000, Czechoslovak maps in scale 1:75000, maps of Russian Empire in scale 1:84000, 1:126000, German maps scale 1:100000 (Maps of Germany, Maps of western Russia). Content generally did not change.
N24 Simno
Fragment of map N24 Simno (published by WIG in 1922, 1:100000)

From 1922-23 to 1927, were produced organic WIG maps in scale 1:100000 (Mapa taktyczna - tactical map) (called first-type). Basically WIG 1:100000 maps of this edition were based on old maps, were used recognizing. Size of frames of WIG maps in scale 1:100000 (this and next generations of WIG 1:100000 maps) was 15' latitude and 30' longitude considered from Ferro (or 32,0 x27, 8 cm on the 55 parallel). Name of the map indicate the number of row (in front of him in the first type the letter A, in next types- Pas-row) and the number of column (in front of him in the first type the letter B, in next types- Slup-column). Maps produced in color. Until 1927 maps WIG 1:100000 (first type) covered about 40 percents of Poland.
A30 B40 Wilno
Fragment of map A30 B40 Wilno (WIG, 1:100000, recognized in 1923-1925, published in 1927)

Since 1927 maps WIG 1:100000 issued by the original mapping, also were used recognizing of old maps. Maps WIG in scale 1:100000 of this generation were called second type and were available in two colors (sometimes four). Longitude was considered from Greenwich.
P31 S36 Wizajny Kalwaria
Fragment of map P31 S36 Wizajny-Kalwaria fragmentas (WIG, 1:100000, recognized in 1924, published in 1929. Territory of Lithuania published as in ald maps (not recognized), railway collected from map in scale 1:750000, but position of them is wrong.)

From 1929 to 1931 were produced so-called third type maps WIG in scale 1:100000.
P32 S36 Suwalki
Fragment of map P32 S36 Suwalki (WIG 1:100000, 1929)

Since 1931 were produced the fourth, called the normal, types of maps WIG in scale 1:100000. There were 482 WIG maps in scale 1:100000 issued which covered territories of Poland, part of Lithuania, Latvia, Belarus, Ukraine, Czechoslovakia.
P41 S29 Lodz
Fragment of map P41 S29 Lodz (WIG 1:100000, 1937)

Also maps combined of 2 or 4 maps in scale 1:100000 were prepared and published (mostly on main regions/objects: The capital Warszawa, mountain Tatry). name of combined maps was as separat maps: name of sheet indicate positions in row and column (Pas xx-xx Slup yy-yy) and name of main object on map. Example: Pas 39-40 Slup 32 Warszawa (arkusz zbiorowy).

WIG maps
An example - combined (of 2) sheet - map Pas 39-40 Slup 32 Warszawa (arkusz zbiorowy)

Pas51-52 Slup29-30
An example - combined (of 2) sheet - map Pas 51-52 Slup 29-30 Tatry (arkusz zbiorowy).

It is interesting that after II WW General staff of (socialistic) Polish army (after closing working of WIG) published maps in scale 1:100000 according WIG numeration. These published maps were based on WIG maps in scale 1:100000 but updated acc. information from RKKA (probable other sources were used too)  maps in scale 1:100000 (which were published till II WW). Below you can see fragment of map  P31 S36 Wizajny (GS of Polish army, 1951) and compare with WIG map (see above).

P31 S36 Wizajny
Fragment of map  P31 S36 Wizajny (GS of Polish army, 1951)

WIG maps in scale 1:100000 prepared and published in early period of WIG establishment were reprints of German Karte des westlichen Russlands maps, Russian two-verst maps (1:84000), Russian one-verst maps (1:42000) also Russian 3-verst maps (1:126000), Austrian maps without changes in content.

Particulary thanks Marek Z. (mapywig.org).

Updated 2013 September.
International map in scale 1:1000000 ( as example map N-34 Warszawa)
International map in scale 1:1000000 prepared and published by WIG (and other countries) has dimension 4º latitude and 6° longitude from Greenwich. Signs and symbols were used the same by all countries (also WIG).
About map N-34 Warszawa published by WIG in 1926 possible read article (published in 1926-1927) in Lithuanian language (google translating).

N-34 Warszawa

Polish WIG 1:1000000 map N-34 (general view)

During II WW WIG works in Scotland (Edinburg), prepared and published map in scale 1:1000000 Map of Poland and neighbour countries (Mapa Polski i krajow osciennych 1:1000000). Set consists of 4 colour maps. Maps were named by name of 2 biggest towns and 2 letters indicating position each map (NE, NW, SE, SW).

WIG 1:1000000

Index sheet of map  Map of Poland and neighbour countries (Mapa Polski i krajow osciennych 1:1000000)

Polish operational maps in scale 1:300000 published by WIG (index sheet)

Polish operational maps in scale 1:300000 published by WIG (maps WIG 1:300000) were produced and published from 1919 (1920) till 1939. At first years WIG republished German maps in scale 1:300000 without changes (44 maps, I Type), 1922-1926 Polish class. (45 maps, II Type), 1927-1939 new generation (Type III and IV) of WIG 1:300000 maps - maps were based on Polish 1:25000, 1:100000 WIG maps, were wasn't WIG maps - were used German maps in scale 1:300000 and newest cartographic material (as source of recognizing).

Maps from collection of WIG 1:300000 have size 2 deg. longitude and 1 deg. latitude. Longitude was considered from Greenwich.

Maps from collection WIG 1:300000 have own topographical signs and symbols. Relief was shown by horizontals every 10 m. (sometimes 5 or 2.5 m.).

Maps from WIG 1:300000 set were published in six (later seven) colors.

WIG 1:300000

Fragment of Polish WIG map 37 WILNO (scale 1:300000, 1930)

According literature it was prepared about 100 WIG 1:300000 maps. Using these maps WIG prepared and published administrative map of Poland  (Mapa administracyjna Rzeczpospolitej Polski). Ir red colour by special symbols were marked administrative unis (see example below). Numbering maps from set Administrative map of Poland is diferent as WIG 1:300000 maps (see index sheet).

Administrative map od Poland

Index of Administrative map of Poland, pat of Lithuania was covered by maps Nr. 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 12, 13

Wilno 1937

Fragment of Administrative map of Poland, sheet 7 Wilno (1937, 1:300000)

During II WW WIG works in Scotland (Edinburg), prepared and published (republished) also maps in scale 1:300000. Republished maps had little different colour as original.

L.: B.Krassowski "Polska kartografia wojskowa w latach 1919-1945".

P.S. Interesting discussion about WIG 1:300000 maps (in Polish) THERE. :)

WIG maps in scale 1:10000 (Wilno and surroundings)

WIG (Wojskowy Instytut Geograficzny - Military Institute of Geography) published only few maps in scale 1:10000. One set (package) of WIG 1:10000 maps was published on territories of city Vilnius (Wilno) and surroundings (See index sheet). Maps in scale 1:10000 were published in one color and were as product of reproduction of field originals (scale 1:20000 or 1:25000). Maps in scale 1:10000 were published in small edition, marked "Secret", "Temporary edition".

WIG maps in scale 1:10000 have dimension 2 min. 30 sec. of latitude and 5 min of longitude. Longitude was considered from Greenwich. Projection - polyhedral. On map was net every 1 kilometer drawn. Each sheet of WIG 1:10000 map overtake territories about 25 sq. km. Relief was shown by horizontals every 1,25 m.

On margins were additional information: administrative units, topographical signs, abbreviations, numeration, additional information.

WIG maps in scale 1:10000 were numbered according usual numeration. WIG 1:25000 map consists of 4 WIG 1:10000 maps. Respectively name of WIG 1:10000 maps were made from name WIG 1:25000 maps by adding numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 which shows position map 1:10000 in WIG 1:25000 sheet. (examplePAS 30 SLUP 41- A3).

Index sheet of WIG 1:10000 maps

Index sheet of WIG 1:10000 maps on Wilno and surroundings

Fragment of WIG 1:10000 map (SheetP30S40-C4) you can find THERE.

L.: B.Krassowski "Polska kartografia wojskowa w latach 1919-1945", http://zecernia.com/.

Polish WIG maps in scale 1:750000

Survey map of Poland and adjacent territories in scale 1:750000 WIG (Military Geographical Institute) produced up to 1927 (one additional map Lwow released in 1934). Maps of an older content, uncomfortable map scale 1:750000 after 1927 y. were replaced by WIG maps in scale 1:1000000 (international map). WIG has prepared and published two editions of the maps in scale 1:750000.

The first edition was prepared using the Austrian maps Ubersichtskarte von Mitteleuropa in the same scale 1:750000 (published in 1880-1886), maps were updated by WIG in Warsaw and printed in Vienna in the Austrian Military Geographical Institute. Updated could only place names and (perhaps) the network of communications. 15-sheet map was published in 1924 in four colors and additional green color represents the border of Poland. Projection of maps - Bona, relief displayed by drawing. Size of maps about 3 deg. latitude 4 deg. longitude. Longitude was considered from Ferro.

The second edition of WIG maps in scale 1:750000 has contributed more proofs: corrected names of settlements, significantly upgraded network of roads and railways (shown and projected railways). The set of WIG 1:7500000 (second edition) consists of 10 maps, maps were published in 1924-1927, 1934. Size of maps about 3 deg. latitude 4 deg.longitude. Longitude was considered by Ferro.

Polisg WIG 1:750000 maps

Fragment of Polish WIG 1:750000 map (sheet Nr. II) showing south part of Lithuania

Literature: B. Krassowski, F. Biernacki, Mapa Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej 1:750.000, WSG 1935, s. 3-4.

Map of Poland and the neighboring states, scale 1:500000
Map of Poland and the neighboring states in scale 1:500000 (orig. title Mapa Polski i krajow osciennych 1:500000) was produced in 1936-1945 by WIG (Wojskowy Instytut Geograficzny - Military Geographical Institute) in Poland and in emigration (UK, Edinburg). Each map sheet (scale 1:500000) by covering territory is equal to 1/4 international map (scale 1:1000000). Maps in scale 1:500000 is named accordingly international map, Roman numbers (I-IV) indicating the covering quarter. Additionally, the name of map (scale 1:500000) is indicated by name of biggest city on sheet.

1:500000 map sheet size - 2 degrees latitude x 3 degrees longitude. Longitude is counted from Greenwich. Maps were printed in color, relief shown by contours and by color gamma. Contents is shown by signs and colors. On frames are topographical signs and symbols, administrative division, hypsometric map view (reduced), the neighboring sheets, additional information.
Some maps were published to purposes of pilots - content on these maps is generalized.

index WIG 1:500000
Index sheet of WIG 1:500000 maps (Mapa Polski i krajow osciennych 1:500000), index from mapywig.org

Lithuania cover maps N-34-I Gdynia, N-34-II Kowno, N-34-IV Warszawa Wschod, N-35-I Wilno, N-35-III Nowogrodek (North part of Lithuania is not covered by WIG 1:500000 maps).

Map of Poland in scale 1:500000 (orig. name of the map Mapa Polski 1:500000) was produced after the Second World War in 1946-1947 by WIG. Map sheets do not coincide with the international map and have a size of 2 degrees latitude by 3 degrees longitude. Longitude is from Greenwich. Name of sheets of Map Poland in scale 1:500000 did not meet the international map, each sheet is named by number 1-12 and the name of the largest city. Maps produced colored, relief displayed by contour lines. Content on maps represented by conventional signs and different colors.
Map of Poland 1:500000 prepared using available but not newest material, therefore situation on the map (especially in adjacent coutries) is out of date 20 or more years....

Map of Poland 1:500000
Index of Map of Poland (1:500000, 1946-1947)
WIG maps in scale 1:2000

By enlarging originals of results of mapping (field originals) WIG (Wojskowy Instytut Geograficzny - Military Geographical Institute) prepared and published very large scale maps cowering mostly only important strategic areas. As example of very large scale WIG map is map in scale 1:2000 Westerplatte. Size of map appr. 98x85 cm., map published by WIG in 1934 in one color. All content shown by arbitrary signs and symbols, relief shown by horizontals every 0.5 m..

map Westerplatte

Fragment of WIG map Westerplatte (scale 1:2000, 1934)

WIG maps in scale 1:5000

Polish Military Geographical Institute  (Wojskowy Instytut Geograficzny, WIG) using original survey from y. 1929 published in 1930 set of maps on peninsula Hel (Poland). Set consists of 7 maps in varios size. Content shown in one (black) color using signs and symbols, relief shown by horizontals. Every 0,5 km drawn net which date from triangulation point Wiezyca. On frames represented list og nivelation points, triangulation points, signs and symbols, index, administrative division, other informations. Longitute considered from Greenwich.

WIG 1:5000

Index sheet of WIG 1:5000 maps on peninsula Hel

Plan of city Vilnius, 1:2500, 1938
Plan of city Vilnius (original name in Polish Plan miasta wielkiego Wilna) in scale 1:2500 published in 1938. Plan consists of 47 maps (sheets), each numbered by letter (column, A-F) and number (row, 1-11). Plan printed in one color, relief shown by horizontals (each 1 meter). On frames name of map, name of plan and scale given. Size of each sheet about 84x70 cm.

Plan of city Vilnius
General view of Plan of city Vilnius (original name in Polish Plan miasta wielkiego Wilna) in scale 1:2500, 1938

Plan of city Vilnius
General view map E8 of Plan of city Vilnius (original name in Polish Plan miasta wielkiego Wilna) in scale 1:2500, 1938

Plan miasta wielkiego Wilna
Fragment of map E8 of Plan of city Vilnius (original name in Polish Plan miasta wielkiego Wilna) in scale 1:2500, 1938
All plan in full size you can find at chapter City Vilnius on topographic maps and plans
Plan of Vilnius airport, 1:20000, 1932

Plan of Vilnius airport, 1:20000, 1932 published at atlas of Polish airports (1933).

Plan of Vilnius airport

Description: Vilnius airport located at the Vilnius province in Vilnius-Trakai district. Longitude 25° 17', latitude 54° 38', the height above sea level - 190 m., Magnetic deviation of +1 ° 01 '. The airport is located to the south of the city in a distance of 5 km. from the city center.
Airport environments: from the north - rural Nowosiółki (Naujininkai) structures from north-east-2 Vilnius radio station towers, from the southwest - the airport buildings, continue to train station "Porubanek", from the west - railway Vilnius-Lida In the east-highway Vilnius-Lida. Barriers in the north - rural Nowosiółki buildings within 350 m. from the airport, in the north-west - near (Airport) well of 8 m. tall derrick, next high-voltage and telegraph line running close to the railway, 2 towers of MK radiostation height of 32 m. in distance of 1.5 km. from the airport. In the north-east - 2 Vilnius radio station towers, 76 meters in height, the distance 1.5 km. from the airport. From the west - the land along the railroad embankment height of 3 m. the airport level below 0.5 km. distance - 20 m. tall trees. From the south - the airport buildings up to 13 meters in height, from the south - phone line along the road.
Orienteering signs in day: on landing field in the middle white circle with the words "Wilno".
Orienteering signs at night: in a distance of 3 km. to north of the airport - Vilnius city lights.
Airport size: minimum 700 m EW direction., the largest - in the direction of NW-SE 800 meters. Surface: hard, adult grass, soil is sandy clay.
Equipment: Fuel - on site, water - on site, oil - on-site, electricity (voltage 220 V).
Flight lines: O.K. "LOT" in Warsaw and Riga.
Aero clubs: Academic Aero Club in Vilnius:
Passenger accommodation: hotels, restaurants in the city.
Transport to the city: bus company transports LOT passengers before and after the flight.
Phone: Nr. 80
Radio: power 0.5 kW, wavelengths 900, 1235, 1316. Call Sign SRH, SRW, SRT.
Weather station in Vilnius, at the University 6 km. away from the airport.
Post: in the railway station, a distance of about 800 meters from the airport.
Telegraph: in the railway station, a distance of about 800 meters from the airport.
Railway Station: 800 m. from the airport.
The customs authorities: on-site
Police: Vilnius, 6 Commissariat in a distance of 4.5 km. from the airport.
L: Atlas Lotnisk Polskich. Warszawa 1933
Early WIG maps (reprints in original scale)
As we know at the begining of lifetime WIG (Polish Wojskowy Instytut Geograficzny (WIG) - Military Geographical Institute) reprinted Austrian, Russian, German maps. It is interesting, that mostly reprints were in scale 1:25000 (when originals were in 0,5-verst [1:21000], 1-verst [1:42000] scale) or 1:100000 (when originals were in 2-verst [1:84000], 1:75000, 3-verst [1:126000] scale). And wery semioccasionally maps were reprinted in original (not tipical for WIG) verst-scale. As example - WIG reprinted 3-verst (1:126000) maps without changes in content in early 1920-th. Names of these 3-verst (1:126000) maps were in Polish: Rząd (Row) xx Arkusz (list) yy with name of biggest population place in map. Additionally on margin signs and symbols translated in Polish were given.

WIG maps 1:126000
Polish WIG reprint of 3-verst (1:126000) map X-6, 1920.
Languages, Kalbos, Языки
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