1:150000 (D.Gilly), 1802-1803 |
Special Karte Von Sudpreussen. D.Gilly, 1802-03.
Collection of maps on territories of South Prussia “Special Karte von Suedpreussen mit allerhoechster Erlaubniss aus der Koniglichen grossen topographischen Vermessungs-Karte, unter Mitwurkung des Directors Langner, reducirt und herausgegeben vom Geheimen Ober-Bau-Rath Gilly... die Post-Course und Hauptstrassen sind gezeichnet vom ersten General Post Amst...“ consists of 13 maps in scale 1:150000 and was published in 1802-1803 in Berlin. Creator of maps collection was Gilly. maps were prepared using mapping in scale 1:50000 (89 sets) of territories Which come to Prussia after II Div. in 1793 of Poland-Lithuania state. Mapping (1793-1800) was coordinated by D.Gilly and Krohn. All 13 maps of this collection are digitalized.
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