Other (single, period 1914-1919/First World War) German maps showing Lithuania
Map showing territories of present Latvia (W), Lithuania, Belarus (NW), Poland (NE) which formed administrative unit Ober Ost during I WW (First World War). Territories were under German ocupation. More about Ober Ost (link). Full size map (link), list of subunits of Ober Ost also available.
Nationalities in West Russia (Völker-verteilung in west-Russland), 1916
Nationalities in West Russia (Völker-verteilung in west-Russland), 1916 - separate publication in WWI period showing composition of nationalities in west Russia (presents Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, part Ukraine). Publication consists of introduction (text), 20 maps showing nationalities in separate administrative units. Publisher der Kownoer zeitung.

Map showing Jewish population in West Russia, publication Nationalities in West Russia (Völker-verteilung in west-Russland), 1916 (full size map, link)
Lithuanian Military Board District Map, 1918
Lithuanian Military Board District Map, 1918 (orig. Verwaltungsbezirk der Militärverwaltung Litauen) in scale 1:800000 was published in March 1918 by German topographers. Creator - Gfr.Schulze.

General view of Lithuanian Military Board District Map, 1918 (orig. Verwaltungsbezirk der Militärverwaltung Litauen) in scale 1:800000
Map of Lithuania, 1918
Map of Lithuania (in original - German and Lithuanian Karte von Litauen, Lietuvos žemlapis) in scale 1:750000 was published in 1918 by press L.Friederichsen & Co in Hamburg (Germany). All content, signs and symbols, additional information printed in 2 languages: German and Lithuanian. Creator of map R.Friederichson. Below we presenting First and 4-th edition of this map.

General view of Map of Lithuania (Karte von Litauen, Lietuvos žemlapis), 1918, First edition

General view of Map of Lithuania (Karte von Litauen, Lietuvos žemlapis), 1918, 4-th edition, creators R. Friederichsen and C.A.Oselies. Link to full size map.