2025-01-20 03:48:03

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1:252000 (6 verst maps)
"Semi-instrumental map showing abroad territories along west Russian border" (link to example)
Fragment of map from set Semi-instrumental map showing abroad territories along west Russian border (orig.named Семитопографическая Карта Иностранным Владениям по Западной границе Российской Империи), published in 1811-1820, scale 1:252000. Presented fragment of map covers city Olita (Alytus now) and surroundings with comparing to map from set Topographisch - Militarische Karte vom vormaligen Neu - Ostpreussen oder dem jetzigen Nordlichen Teil Herzogtums Warschau nebst dem Russischen Distrikt (1808, scale 1:152500).

Maps from set Semi-instrumental map showing abroad territories along west Russian border (orig.named Семитопографическая Карта Иностранным Владениям по Западной границе Российской Империи) were prepared and published from 1811 till 1820* under the leadership of K.I.Operman (Карл Иванович Опперман) and P.M.Volkonskij (Петр Михайлович Волконский). Maps were prepared using newest cartographic material: set of maps Topographisch - Militarische Karte vom vormaligen Neu - Ostpreussen oder dem jetzigen Nordlichen Teil Herzogtums Warschau nebst dem Russischen Distrikt (1808, scale 1:152500), Karte von Ost-Preussen nebst Preussisch Litthauen und West - Preussen nebst dem Netzdistrict (1802-1808, 1:150000), maps of Galizien, Karte des Königl. Preuß. Herzogthums Vor- und Hinterpommern" von D.Gilly (1789).
Semi-instrumental map showing abroad territories along west Russian border
Index sheet of Semi-instrumental map showing abroad territories along west Russian border (orig.named Семитопографическая Карта Иностранным Владениям по Западной границе Российской Империи)

Part of present Lithuania (Užnemunė, Klaipėdos kraštas/Memel land) covering maps A-III, B-III, B-II, B-I, C-II, C-I, D-II, D-I from this set. On sheet A-III published name of set, signs and symbols, scale.
 Semi-instrumental map showing abroad territories along west Russian border
Map A-III from set   Semi-instrumental map showing abroad territories along west Russian border (orig.named Семитопографическая Карта Иностранным Владениям по Западной границе Российской Империи), general view

In 1820 published similar set only on territories of Poland named Semi-instrumental map of Kingdom of Poland (original named Семитопографическая Карта царства Польского). Set consists of 34 maps in scale 1:252000 (6 verst per inch), content similar to maps from set Semi-instrumental map showing abroad territories along west Russian border (orig.named Семитопографическая Карта Иностранным Владениям по Западной границе Российской Империи).
index 1:252000
Index sheet of maps from set Semi-instrumental map of Kingdom of Poland (original named Семитопографическая Карта царства Польского).
Lithuania on Semi-instrumental map of Kingdom of Poland
Joint sheet of maps B-1, B-2, C-1, C-2 covering part of present Lithuania (Užnemunė) from set Semi-instrumental map of Kingdom of Poland (original named Семитопографическая Карта царства Польского). Full size view of Joint sheet of maps B-1, B-2, C-1, C-2 (link).

This set consists of 20 combined maps (up to 52x64 cm. size), published in 1811-1820.
All maps are digitalized.

L.: Каталог карт, планов, атласов, медалей, эстампов, книг, геодезических инструментов, составленных... в военно-топографическом депо... 1858.

Maps4u.lt 2010-2011-2012
Languages, Kalbos, Языки
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