2025-02-15 18:18:42
· 1:10000
· 1:2000
· 1:25000
· 1:5000
· 1:50000

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Soviet topographic map in scale 1:50000 (1 cm - 500 m.)

By dividing the international map in scale 1:1000000 (Carte Internationale du Monde au 1:1000000) into 144 parts come a map in scale 1:100000 (1 cm - 1 km.). Maps in scale 1:50000 (1 cm - 500 m.) are formed by dividing maps in scale 1:100000 into four parts (see there), theirs nomenclature consists of name of 1:100000 map with and one of the capital letters А, Б, В, Г (Russian alphabet), additionally name of biggest population place added. For example: N-34-58-Б Кибартай. As alternate name of maps used name only from digits: example 14-34-058-2.  1:50000 scale map sheets have a trapezoid shape, size 10′ latitude x 15′ longitude. Longitude considered from Greenwich. General staff of Red army (RKKA- Рабоче-крестьянская Красная армия (in Russian), Workers' and Peasants' Red Army (in English)) till WWII prepared first edition of 1:50000 map of territory of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia (more about 1:50000 RKKA maps there). Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania covering about 620 maps in scale 1:50000, Lithuania - 269 maps.

Index of 1:50000 maps

Index showing covering Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania by 1:50000 soviet maps.

1:50000 soviet maps

Index showing covering Lithuania by 1:50000 soviet maps.

Second edition of 1:50000 General staff of army prepared and published in 1947-1950 using content of new prepared 1:25000 maps. Second and next editions of 1:50000 (after WWII) were prepared only in 1942 coordinates system. Maps in scale 1:50000 were alone not transfered into 1963 coordinates system maps. On 1:50000 maps starting from second edition on frames was magnetic declination given.

Third edition of 1:25000 maps (territory of Lithuania) published in 1958-1965. 1:50000 maps prepared using new 1:25000 maps or aerophotographic picture. During soviet time (till 1990*) 1:50000 maps had 5-7 editions.

Relief in 1:50000 maps shown by horizontals every 10 meters, depth (starting from 1950*) by fathom-lines every 2, 5, 10,20 meters.

It is observed that till 1980 1:50000 maps prepared and published only General staff (Генеральный штаб), starting 1980* civilian institutions worked together with General staff preparing and updating 1:50000 maps.


General view of 1:50000 map  N-34-58-Б Кибартай, territory of Lithuania

Languages, Kalbos, Языки
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