2025-02-15 19:03:19

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Map of European Russia (or large map of the Russian Empire) in scale 1:500000, 1812

In preparation for war, Napoleon ordered the creation of several topographical maps of Russia. The most accurate of these was the Map of European Russia (or Large map of the Russian Empire) in scale 1:500000 (original title Carte de la Russie Européenne en LXXVII feuilles exécutée au Depôt general de la Guerre). Map consists of 104 sheets, 77 maps (size 50x79 cm) show European part of Russia. Maps named by columns and rows: column named by Latin letters (A-G), rows by digits (1-11).

How the French does created such an accurate map? Researchers believe that French topographers used Russian map named Detailed map of the Russian Empire and neighboring foreign holdings (or 100 sheet map, original name "Подробная карта Российской империи и близлежащих заграничных владений", published by order of the Russian government in the years 1797-1805.
There are several hypotheses as the Russian map found herself in the French General Depot. According to one of them, copper prints of Russian map were secretly purchased by the French ambassador J.A.Lauriston one of the employees of the State Archive in St. Petersburg. General depot of French army replaced all Russian-language place names to French.
French maps of European Russia
Index of  Map of European Russia (or Large map of the Russian Empire) in scale 1:500000, 1812
Big map of European Russia
Fragment of  Map of European Russia (or Large map of the Russian Empire) in scale 1:500000, 1812

Languages, Kalbos, Языки
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