2025-01-18 15:32:39
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1:10000 (1 cm- 100 m) Soviet maps (after 1945, territories of Lithuania)
At the end of soviet era (till 1990-th) map in scale 1:10000 (1cm-100m) become as main map and basic material to creating maps in all scales. On map in scale 1:10000 detail shown such elements as magistral pipelines, high volt electricity lines, el. substations, road and railway net, also given main information about relief and higrographic net. Maps in scale 1:10000 explain changes of landscape (maps in scale 1:10000 were republished with main changes of landscape every 5-10 years).
It is interesting, that map in scale 1:10000 is civil map: creating and publishing of this map was only civil institution's work, but militaries willingly use this map as on of sources to complement basic millitary map in scale 1:25000. For this in map 1:10000 were specific datum such lenght, width, material and capacity of bridges ...
At the beginning of publishing of maps in scale 1:10000 maps were in 5 colors (black, red, green, brown, blue), after 1977 additionally - yellow color (black, yellow, green, blue have 2 shadings). Some sheets were printed in one blue color.
Relief was shown every 1, 2 aor 2,5 meter, it is observed that on some maps is mixed step.
Military territories on maps 1:10000 were masked: real situation was replaced by fictitious. Often these fictitious insertions migrated to new modern maps.
Map in scale 1:10000 was created using outline 1:10000 maps, using new survey (till 1964 new survey was done over 31 perc. of Lithuania). Till 1964 survey was done in 1942 y. c.s., after 1964  - in local c.s. or 1963 c.s.. Till 1964 maps in scale 1:10000 were published in 1942 c.s., after 1964 (till late 1980-th) in 1963 c.s. More about 1963 y. c.s. you can read THERE.
All territory of Lithuania would be covered by 3756 maps in scale 1:10000 (1963 y. c.s.), it is known 3659 maps, 97 maps were not published (or not known).
Size of maps in scale 1:10000 - 2′30” latitude x 3′45” longitude (the same size for maps in 1942 y. c.s. and 1963 y. c.s.).
Numbering (creating names) of 1:10000 maps you can find THERE.

soviet 1:10000 maps
Index of 1:10000 soviet maps (1942 y.c.s) oh Lithuania. In blue known maps published in 1942 y. c.s. (Striked - renewed after 1985 maps). Index possible enlarge (link).

1:10000 soviet maps

Index of 1:10000 soviet maps (1963 y.c.s) oh Lithuania. In blue maps renewed in 1971-1979, in white - maps renewd in 1980-1985 (and later), in red - not published maps. Index possible enlarge (link).

Lithuania cities and their surroundings (Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda, Šiauliai, Panevėžys) were displayed on 1:10000 scale maps with the local coordinate system (not KS1942, and KS1963 y.). Military, strategic (important) objects not displayed or content distorted.
Vilnius and surroundings displayed on set of maps in scale 1:10000 (6 pages in set) also on set from 23 maps (1:10000), Kaunas and surroundings displayed on set from 4 maps, Klaipėda and surroundings displayed on set from 2 maps, Šiauliai and surroundings - on set from 4 maps in scale 1:10000 and Panevėžys and surroundings - on set from 4 maps in scale 1:10000.
Vilnius and surroundings displayed on set of 23 maps in scale 1:10000 in the local coordinate system 23.. Maps from this set have various size. Set prepared by Department of Geodesy and Cartography near the Cabinet USSR Council in 1972 using old survey (1956-57 m.) upgrading by revisions from 1966 to 1972 year.

Vilnius 1:10000
Index of 1:10000 maps on Vilnius and surroundings (set from 23 maps, 1972, 1:10000).

1:10000 soviet map
As example of 1:10000 maps (1942 y.c.s) - map O-34-129-В-г-2 (O-34-129-V-g-2, 1960). Map possible to enlarge (link). Publisher - Land menagemet department of Lithuania SSR

Soviet maps 1:10000
As example of 1:10000 maps (1963 y.c.s) - map C-44-20-Г-а-3 (С-44-20-G-a-3, 1986). Map possible to enlarge (link). Publisher - Main Office of Geodesy and Cartography under the Council of Ministers of the USSR. Territory on South of city Kalvarija is masked (real situation link)
Languages, Kalbos, Языки
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