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Russischen karte des Westlichen Grenzgebiets
Index sheet of maps "Russischen karte des Westlichen Grenzgebiets" (link)
German cartographers during the First World War (1914-1918) by increasing the content of the map of Russian Empire in scale 1:42000 issued a topographic map scale of 1:25000. Collection of these maps entitled "Russischen karte des Westlichen Grenzgebiets" (Russian map of western frontier). This collection of maps covered the territory of present Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Russia. Maps were grouped in subgroups (Gruppe Petersburg, Revel, Dagö, Libau, Riga, Dunaburg, Kowno, Grodno, Warschau, Brest-Litowsk, Pinsk...). On strategic territories maps of the collection have been updated. Fully or partially updated maps of towns and surroundings Kowno, Libau, Grodno, Brest, lines Modlin -Warsaw, Duneburg - Lake Naroc. At absence of maps in scale 1:42000, maps in scale 1:84000, also 1:21000, 1:126000 were used. Part of a collection of maps "Russischen karte des Westlichen Grenzgebiets" released just copying the contents of the Russian maps, part of maps filed by the place-name in German (or place-names in German side-by-side with place-names in Russian), part of the maps were fully updated (German title, horizontals every 5 meters).
The nomenclature names of maps in scale 1:25000 from the collection "Russischen karte des Westlichen Grenzgebiets" are identical to maps of the Russian Empire in scale 1:21000, only instead of letters in the Cyrillic alphabet used in Latin (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J).
On territories of North line (present Estonia, north of Latvia, border Estonia-Russia) the nomenclature names look as names of 1-verst maps of Russian empire: xx-yy (xx - -row, yy - position in row).
On territories where operated German 8 and 10 armies subsets of maps Karte der 8 Armee and Karte der 10 Armee were issued. Names of maps from these subsets have continued character (from 1 til xxx).
Most maps in scale 1:25000 released monochrome. On some maps of lines Modlin - Warsaw, Duneburg - Lake Narac red and blue shows the position of the troops. At some maps from group Libau, Brest-Litowsk horizontals shown in brown (topographic symbols like on Messtischblatt).
The size of maps in scale 1:25000 is 9' longitude and 5' latitude, size of maps from Nort line 12′ longitude and 6′ latitude.
Longitude considered from Pulkovo.
Available maps are marked in blue. (see index sheet)
+ XXVI-19-B, XXIX-18-E.

Russischen karte des Westlichen Grenzgebiets
Map XII-13-F (general view, 1915) from set  Russischen karte des Westlichen Grenzgebiets (Russian map of western frontier). Color of map (sepia) is as original (no colors' leveling), size map with frames 50x50 cm, size map without frames 40x40 cm.

Example (full map VIII-14-B) you can see below.
Example showing changes between maps published in 1914 and 1916 (the same set Russischen karte des Westlichen Grenzgebiets) you can see below too.
maps of Brest
Fragment of map XXIV-15-A from set "Russischen karte des Westlichen Grenzgebiets", published in 1914
Fragment of map XXIV-15-A from set "Russischen karte des Westlichen Grenzgebiets", published in 1916. Territory the same as in fragment above.

Russischen karte des Westlichen Grenzgebiets
Index sheet (part) showing Norh line of set  Russischen karte des Westlichen Grenzgebiets (1914-1918, 1:25000), territories of present Estonia, Russia-Estonia border (possible to zoom). Rest of index you can see There (link). As you see preset Estonia was covered by maps from groups Petersburg, Reval, Dagö, Riga, Dunaburg, Baltische Inseln, Karte der 8 Armee.
Map VIII-14-B from catalog "Russischen karte des Westlichen Grenzgebiets" (full size, link)

As example map VIII-14-B from catalog "Russischen karte des Westlichen Grenzgebiets", 1:25000, 1915. Map covers territories of present Lithuania (Šiauliai and surroundings). Link to full size map above.

As example- fragments of maps XIX-11-C from catalogue Russischen karte des Westlichen Grenzgebiets and Messtischblatt 2898 Lomscha.

As example- fragments of maps XIX-11-C from catalogue Russischen karte des Westlichen Grenzgebiets in scale 1:25000 (1916) and Messtischblatt 2898 Lomscha (1:25000, 1942). Both fragments (and both maps) were based on Russian maps in scale 1:42000 (1:21000) from years 1880-1912. Fragments covering Polish city and surroundings Lomza (Lomscha, Ломжа).

Both examples are resized (aprr. twice), sorry.

Index of Russischen karte des Westlichen Grenzgebiets maps on territories of Latvia (link)

On territories of present Latvia (and Estonia) besides maps from period WWI in scale 1:25000 - set Russischen karte des Westlichen Grenzgebiets (Russian map of western frontier) which grupped into Groups acc. populated place (Libau, Riga, Dunaburg) - see above - maps in scale 1:25000 by 8 Army on the same territories of Latvia (and Estonia) were published (Karte der 8 Armee, Planmaterial der 8 Armee).

1:25000 maps on Latvia

Index sheet of maps in scale 1:25000 from First World War period on territory of Latvia (index can by enlarged)

As we can see from index, maps in scale 1:25000 were prepared and published on 4 areas:

1. Maps on surroundings of Liepaja. Maps wre numbered according Russian half-verst maps (maps from IV-9-H till VI-9-H). Maps were prepared by 18 subunit of 8 Army. Place-names presented in German, same maps prepared using original field survey.

2. Maps on shooting range of Aucė (Alt-Auz). Maps named by 3 numbers (In Arabic), numbering related with numbering of all maps prepared by 8 Army (see 1:25000 maps on territory of present Estonia). Place-names in Russian.

3. Maps on surroundings of Riga and front near river Daugava (Düna). Maps named by 1-3 numbers (In Arabic), numbering related with numbering of all maps prepared by 8 Army (see 1:25000 maps on territory of present Estonia. Maps were prepared by 18 subunit of 8 Army. Place-names presented in German, same maps prepared using original field survey.

WWI map 1:25000

Fragment of map 113 Schlampen with positions of Russian and German armies (scale 1:25000, territory of Latvia)

4. Maps on territories on right bank of river Daugava (Düna). Maps named by 3 numbers (In Arabic), numbering related with numbering of all maps prepared by 8 Army (see 1:25000 maps on territory of present Estonia.  Place-names in Russian.

Parallel to maps prepared by 8 Armee (also 10 Armee) maps in scale 1:25000 from set Russischen karte des Westlichen Grenzgebiets (Russian map of western frontier) which grupped into Groups acc. populated place (Libau, Riga, Dunaburg, Revel, Dago...) were published.

Karte der 8 Armee

Fragment of map 123 Riga (Karte der 8 Armee), 1917, part of city Riga

1-verst map of western borderline

Fragment of 1-verst map of western borderline (Russian map), 1915 (basis of WWI period German maps)

Languages, Kalbos, Языки
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